Mary Michelle California Premium Red

This wine is made from a blend of California San Joaquin Valley grapes. The California Central Valley produces some of California’s best red wine grapes.

This wine is a premium light body red wine. It is a blend of Central Valley red grapes fermented in steel. The lees were removed when the juice achieved a dark red coloration and a minimal amount of tannins. By restricting the tannins the blend of sweetness and acids were perfectly balanced to produce a clean slight sweetness on the tongue and a soft smooth finish.

This wine has been sold as a house wine for over Forty years in CA and throughout the United States. It is a very good food wine for dishes typically paired with red wine. Over three million gallons of this wine is sold each year.

The varietals in this blend include Ruby Cabernet, Carignan, Gamay, Grenache, and Syrah.

CA Premium Red can be purchased in 750 ml bottles
Alcohol 12.5%


10% Discount for 6-12 bottles.
15% Discount for 12 or more bottles.